Date: March 28th 2007

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Internet Marketing by Mark Keop
Local businesses should take notice: your customers may no longer use the media you are advertising in. All reports and data demonstrate that consumers are utilizing the internet at an ever-increasing rate. The problem for local businesses, until recently, was effectively utilizing the internet to reach local customers. This problem has been solved and intelligent local businesses are benefiting from the change.

The holy grail of local marketing products for the last fifty years has been the Yellow Pages. Two and a half years ago Google and Yahoo began an assault on this bastion of local marketing by creating local directories. For local businesses this move by the internet companies has created a huge marketing opportunity. Suddenly a local business, even those without web sites, can

Local Internet Marketing
Target local search results
to maximize ROI

reach the top of the search engines when relevant searches are logged. As the years have passed these directories have been improved to the point where they now allow businesses to post basic contact information, photos, descriptions, and customer reviews. The end result is the virtual elimination of the need to advertise in the Yellow Pages.

In addition to the advances in local directories, Google and Yahoo have recently provided businesses with the ability to run advertising campaigns targeted specifically to a local market. This new type of targeting allows businesses to bid on major keywords (i.e. Lawyer, Restaurant, Real Estate) within a local market (i.e. 10 mile radius from your store). The result is a highly targeted advertising campaign reaching only potential local customers. The improved targeting of marketing messages allows local businesses to better budget their advertising expenses and test marketing messages.

The trends in demographics will not reverse away from the internet. It is now up to local businesses to adapt to these changes and meet their potential customers online. The tools have improved to the point where a quality marketing campaign can be implemented through internet search engines once dedicated to national markets. Local businesses can now effectively target local customers via the internet and reach the customers they are missing in traditional media.

for more on improving
local internet access contact
Mark Koep
(866) 693-6366

Welcome Message

Hi and welcome to the first edition of Design & Marketing Vision. In each issue you’ll find Tips & Tactics from professional designers, copywriters, sales coaches, internet marketers, ad agencies and other experts in the field of marketing. You’ll learn how to:

  • create dynamic marketing messages
  • use design to build your brand
  • inspire your business team
  • draw prospects into your web site
  • stand out from your competitors
  • and more!
We want this to be a “living” resource and as such, we hope you’ll participate by e-mailing the editor with any ideas or comments. The best ideas will be published along with your contact info in future editions.

In the meantime, our goal is to help you increase your profits by sharpening your vision and keeping your marketing plans in focus!


Dan Grant

IDIG DESIGN  (805) 230-2327 / Thousand Oaks, CA
All contributors’ articles may be copied and distributed providing all contact information remains in tact.
All illustrations, graphics and images are the property of iDig Design and can only be used
with the expressed written consent of the publisher.

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