Expose Yourself

PersonalCommunication Techniques

We all need the freedom to be ourselves.

I want to thank Deborah Ivanoff for her great article on not feeling like a fraud. I had personal experience with this technique in my next meeting with a new associate. Thanks to the insights Deborah shared, I was able to relax and stop worrying about how I came across. Instead of being critical of my partner, I opened up and gave space for our conversation to flourish. Everyone should read this.

Memorial Day Heroes Deserve Honor

Memorial Day What goes wrong when nations fail their heroes? Was it the blind command? What of their noble cause? What of the blood they shared? Today the world owes all those who died for freedom a debt. Exorbitant in its price, rivaled by our inability to pay. We too easily forget that something worth dying for, Must certainly be worth living for. And beyond the mortal world of prophets and lies; Truth breeds wisdom that can not be ignored. Will you and I die with the cost un-repaid? Or can we live with our hearts full of sharing of those who went before?

– D. Iliff

Writer’s Block?

Ciustom Presentation Writer's Block

A simple cure for writer’s block –
Write when you are tired.

You have to create a custom presentation for one of your largest clients and you don’t know where to start. Creative blocks happen to the most gifted writers. Here’s a crazy tip to set your creative sparks free. Write at the end of the day. Write when you are tired. Don’t believe me? Writer Henriette Klauser’s theory, spelled out in her book Writing on Both Sides of the Brain, says that when you are tired your subconscious and conscious mind blend together to create a dream state where most creativity springs from. You can read more about it here in this article by Geoffrey James.